Tuesday, February 7, 2012

White Loaves: Tuesdays with Dorie

What a great FIRST recipe for Baking with Julia - Tuesdays with Dorie.  

So glad to find an easy recipe for "sticky white bread" - the grandkids love it.  And now I don't have to buy sliced sandwich bread anymore because this freezes nicely (I just slice each bread in 1/2 and wrap in foil).

From ingredients through first rise... the dough turned out beautifully, even though I forgot to turn the dough in the greased bowl to cover the entire surface with butter.

Into the bread pans and second rise - smooth sailing from here on out...no more mistakes!

First time I used a thermometer to check if the bread is done!  Dorie was right on...200 degrees F.

Easy to slice, very good crumb and taste.  

There will be posts about 2 recipes a month on Tuesdays with Dorie while we cook through Dorie Greenspan's Baking with Julia.  So far there are 300 participants - to see others' results and comments go here.


  1. Beautiful loaves!

    Dawn, fellow TWD baker :)

  2. Such nicely sliced loaves.
    Great to see another FFwD'er over here at TWD!

  3. They do look delicious! I thought this was the perfect first recipe for the book, too.
