Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Popovers: Tuesdays with Dorie

Well, it doesn't get much easier than this.  (I think I hear Ina Garten speaking in my head!)  I haven't made popovers in years.  I used to make them all the time when my girls (aka "the mommies" to the grandkids) were little.  Big decision...the food processor or the blender....food processor won!

I got rid of my popover pan because it was teflon coated....so I used an old aluminum muffin tin (medium size popovers) and a newer stainless steel one (large size popovers).  Very interesting that the old aluminum one didn't have any "sticking" problems.  The popovers popped right out.  With the stainless steel, the muffins puffed up big, but they stuck, some pretty bad.

Ahhh, but the beauty of a popover is hard to beat.  This is a large one, which I had to prop up with a knife, because part of the bottom on the back stuck to the pan...still tasted great.

And, had the right insides!  Even better filled with melted butter and pomegranate jelly!

So easy and so good.  I will be making these again.  Another great recipe from Baking with Julia by Dorie Greenspan.  To see what our other bakers did with this recipe this week, you can visit Tuesdays with Dorie.

Friday, August 17, 2012

cafe-style grated carrot salad: French Fridays with Dorie

Carrot Salad.  St. Louis.  Miss Hullings Cafeteria.  Such old memories coming back to me from childhood with just the mention of carrot salad!  So old I can use the word streetcar in the same  sentence!  The carrot salad of my childhood was super sweet, with Hellman's mayo and whipped cream and pineapple and mini marshmallows and coconut and yes, raisins.  No mustard there.  You can even find the recipe if you search for it on google (which I did and will make one day soon for grandkids). 

So of course I opted to use raisins in Dorie's recipe, but then I stayed the course and used oil (avocado) and dijon mustard and honey. 

This is the start....

...and this is the finish.  My plate was so bright it was blinding!  Fork Smashed Purple Potatoes (thanks, Smitten Kitchen for sharing your recipe) and some sliced strip steak.

I did like this recipe for a "savory" carrot salad.  My childhood one was really more like a desert compared to Dorie's.  I think maybe adding in the pineapple might work though.  To see what other Doristas did with this recipe this week, you can visit French Fridays with Dorie.  Another good recipe from Around My French Table.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy 100th Birthday Julia

Today, Julia Child would have been 100 years old.  She is being remembered by many, from Google (see photo above) to Tuesdays with Dorie to Dorie Greenspan to PBS.....
Julia, you are still loved and not forgotten!