Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rugelach: Tuesdays with Dorie

Here's my Nana.  She made strudels, she made kimish breads, she made sponge cakes and honey cakes.  She even made her own gefilte fish.  But I don't remember her ever making rugelach.  I think I know why....it's a lot of work, it's a lot of nuts, it's a lot of prunes and raisins, and it's a lot of mess in the kitchen.  But other than that, they were mighty tasty when all was said and done.

Here's my Nana's serving plate.  It holds the rugelach I made for Tuesdays with Dorie.

Cream cheese dough is not hard to make.  Rolling it into a rectangle, well that's another matter.

Rugelach ready to go into oven, with assembly stages in photos underneath.  Yes, I made the prune lekvar (bottom left).  The lekvar may be the best "find" in this recipe.

Would I make this recipe again?  Maybe.  Probably.  We'll see. 

To see what others' did this with this recipe, you can visit Tuesdays with Dorie here.


  1. Beautiful rolling pin - it looks well-loved.
    I loved the Nana picture :-)

  2. Lovely blog! Lovely rollin pin! Fab Rugelach!
    Pleased to have joined this great baking group! So much fun, so lovely comments.
    All the best

  3. I agree...the lekvar is the best part of this recipe! Nice to have all the memories associated with food that I've read in your posts. Nice baking.
