Friday, February 15, 2013

coeur a la creme: French Fridays with Dorie

What a great tasting desert....what a nightmare to look at without a pretty will see what I mean below.

I cheaped out on this one....and used my yogurt cheese mold, which kind of looks like a 2 hump camel...need I say more.  But with slices and the raspberry coulis I could disguise my faux pax....

I thought I was following the recipe, but I think I may have over whipped the cream...

I used the Donvier yogurt cheese mold, plus a layer of cheese cloth (to pick the final product out of the mold, I thought).  I waited a little more than 12 hours, and maybe had 2 teaspoons of liquid in the bottom of the mold....the first sign that I probably did something wrong on this recipe.

OK, here's what the 2 hump camel looks like out of the mold!  Those with imagination might see the top of the heart?  Oh well, it did slice okay and tasted great.

So last week here's where we were.  Breckenridge, Colorado.  Here is Sean sledding down the hill and he even got air before he got to the bottom!  The things you have to do to bring snow to Texas kiddos!!

Here I am with Sadie.  I had to share my trekking poles with her.  Luckily they were collapsible so they were her size and my size.  I used them to avoid icy falls; Sadie decided they were snow toys to make little holes in the snow wherever she went. We had lots of fun!  It's about time for Nana to go to the beach again....Brrrrr!

Well, I can tell this recipe would be a hit with all...younger daughter Lori was at my house today when I unmolded the coeur a la creme, and we each had a plate with the raspberry coulis.  Lori has now requested this recipe for her May birthday dinner.  That sounds like a resounding YES to the recipe to me.  Next time I will try to whip the cream a little less and see what happens.....

To see what other Doristas did with this recipe this week, you can visit French Fridays with Dorie.


  1. Its the taste that really matters :) And your raspberry sauce against the white creme still looks pretty.

  2. Ooh, I love Breckenridge. It's on my favorite ski destinations. Glad to hear that you had fun and happy to hear that your family enjoyed this week's recipe.

  3. I didn't get all that much liquid, either, but it firmed up perfectly. I think this dessert is fabulous however it's formed!

  4. I agree that it isn't much to look at without the mold, but at least it was delicious.

  5. I placed a paper towel under my mold so I’m not sure how much liquid I had. All I know is that is was a wonderfully delicious dessert! Everyone loved it!
    I think yours looks delicious…I can see the heart!! And it really is the taste that matters!!

  6. I think that after you slice it up and serve it, it doesn't much matter what the mold was like. ;) Yours certainly sounds delicious, and it seems like it was well-received. Well done!

  7. Two hump camel :-)
    Yep, if it's eaten up and declared good, that is what matters! It sounds like you had a hit.

  8. I didn't get too much liquid either- thought it was because I doubled the cheese cloth due to the size of my colander (also a "cheap out", as you say). I took one layer out- that process of flipping truly tempted the gods but after more hours there was still not much liquid. That said- the flavor was fabulous and I think this is my new favorite dessert. Esp since it's so easy. Love the photos of skiing- how gorgeous. Thx for sharing !

  9. Yeah, I really don't think this recipe will drain 'cause there isn't really any real cheese solid. Weird..but I guess it is a plot from the people who make that mould. I've made this with my mom's recipe that uses ricotta and it drains. Oh well.. its the taste thats the thing and in this regard I think people loved it.

  10. Well done w/the yogurt drainer improv! I overwhipped my cream too and had like two drops of liquid under my strainer + double layer of cheesecloth. I'm w/Trevor...whipped cream and cream cheese...what's to drain, except perhaps the Chambord, and we don't want that to happen! :)

  11. I didn't get much whey draining off either. Looks like it came out just fine and was enjoyed by all.

  12. I think your coeur looks great and you don't need the heart-shaped mold at all. I am glad that it was enjoyed and it is wonderful when you are asked to make it again especially for a special celebration. Your trip looks like it was so much fun!
