Friday, July 27, 2012

lemon barley pilaf: French Fridays with Dorie

I have a "Wall-O-Carbs."  It serves me well on these types of recipes.  Yes, the Wall had barley!

Barley mixing with the butter and onions.

Almost done.  Just need to stir after adding the lemon rind and chives (subbed for green's what I had on hand - and tasted just fine in the recipe).

Yum, the lemon barley pilaf was very tasty.  Especially with Spicy Pork Chops, a favorite recipe of mine from Lidia's Italian Table.  Ha!  I had dinner with both a French and Italian table influence!!

Yes, I did like this recipe.  Another winner from Dorie Greenspan's Around My French Table.  To see what others' did with this recipe this week, you can visit French Fridays with Dorie.


  1. I love "the wall"! It's amazing what we have on hand sometimes, isn't it?
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Since Tricia and I started FFWD, I have more spices and such than I ever had. Sometimes I try to
    think up ways to use them up, checking out recipes. Not too long ago I made some coconut
    macaroons using up coconut, some of the chocolates and cocoa we all needed from other
    recipes. It was fun, and the macaroons were great. (David Lebovitz recipe) Your pilaf looks
    wonderful, and I am going to check out the recipe for the pork chops.

  3. I could do with a wall like yours! I have bags of this and that everywhere. Nice pilaf and love those pork chops!

  4. I am more interested in how neatly you organized your Wall and how well everything is jarred and labeled than I am in your Pilaf. (Although your meal looked delicious and the spicy porkchops were a good combo with the Pilaf, I think.) I have been reorganizing my entire pantry the past week so your Wall inspired me. Thank you!
