Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hungarian Shortbread - Tuesdays with Dorie

It was baking day today.  I didn't plan it that way, it just happened.  At first I wasn't going to make the Hungarian Shortbread for Tuesdays with Dorie.  Well....I looked at the blog and saw one of the host's (Thank you Cher!) pictures and thought, hmmm...maybe I can do a half recipe since she did two 8 inch pans.  And from there it became a "flour everywhere kitchen."

Okay, so I'm glad I made the Hungarian Shortbread.  I used some fig jam I made last July.  Good flavor and color.  At some point I do want to try the Rhubarb Jam recipe in the cookbook.

Unique way to get the dough into the pan - freezing it and grating it!  Figgy Jam in the middle.  And finally the shortbread right out of the oven before the powdered sugar.

So I also made this no-knead bread this morning.  Starting to see the flour everywhere?

Then the dogs looked at me.  

They just knew that I was running low on their dog treats.  
Great and easy recipe I'll post another time.  Before and after baking.

Dogs are happy their treat bowl isn't empty anymore.

But I have noticed since starting the Tuesday and Friday bake/cook alongs I'm going through some serious sugar and flour (those containers hold 10 pounds each)!  Costco, here I come.....

Hungarian Shortbread is a very interesting recipe in Dorie Greenspan's Baking with Julia.  It was simple to make, but the resulting shortbread looked like it was from a more intricate recipe.  It was good, but very rich.  Would I make this again?  Maybe.  To see what others did with the recipe this week you can visit Tuesdays with Dorie.  Thanks to our hosts, Lynette of 1smalkitchen, and Cher of The not so exciting adventures of a dabbler . . ., where you can also view the recipe.


  1. I love your pics; the bread looks delicious and I'm a sucker for dogs. Please post the dog treat recipe sometime.

  2. Wow, you did have a busy baking day! Your shortbread looks great and I bet tasted wonderful with homemade fig jam. How cool that you even bake your own dog treats! No wonder they were watching your every move. ;)

  3. I love figs.. so these must have been awesome!!

  4. Yeah! Glad you were able to join in.

    This was crazy easy, wasn't it? I made these in stages and was surprised at how simple it was to fit in between the 50 million other things I was trying to do.

    Fig jam sounds splendid. Great job! Thanks for baking along this week.

  5. You have been quite busy in the kitchen…your shortbread came out lovely! So did your bread! I actually told my husband last night, as we were enjoying a piece of shortbread with our coffee and tea, that fig jam would be wonderful in this!

  6. Wow! You really got a lot done. This shortbread was wonderful, wasn't it?
