Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Irish Soda Bread - Tuesdays with Dorie

Here's Dolly, just looking up at me with love in her eyes....no?  Ahhh, perhaps she is waiting for 

crumbs to fall from the island countertop, where I had just sliced up some of the Irish Soda Bread.

I was really ready for this one.  After the Rugelach almost took me out, this recipe looked to be almost simple enough that my grandkids could have made it.

I even had all the ingredients on hand.  Too simple for words.  Except I forgot to check the calendar until it was already Tuesday morning and I hadn't made the recipe yet.  Don't panic I say to myself.  This bread doesn't even have to rise.  It will not be a problem (I say to myself).

The buttermilk mixes in with the dry ingredients with a fork pretty easily.  I then add raisins in the bowl before it turns out onto a floured board.  Its pretty sticky, but I don't mess with it much since the recipe tells me not too.  I'm not deviating from the recipe since I am on a "make it now or never" roll.

Cut an "X" on top - and I always use a scissors since I don't have one of those sharp bread dough slicers.  The scissors keeps the dough where it's supposed to stay when making the cut.

It's a thing of beauty.  It's a new favorite bread recipe (and I haven't even tasted it yet).

And it's even cooked all the way through...what a great quick bread recipe.

So, the verdict:  YES.  It will be made again.  And Dolly may even get a taste.  Thanks to Tuesdays with Dorie - Baking with Julia, I have found and enjoyed this recipe.  See what others did with this recipe here.


  1. A delicious looking loaf! No wonder your pup's waiting for crumbs!

  2. Looks great - wasn't this a welcom relief after the rugelach?

  3. What a great trick with the scissors. I'd never thought of using scissors to slash dough.

  4. Such a lovely looking loaf of soda bread! Love your doggie…so cute!
